

Engineered Sera

FetalClone II

FetalClone II

為HyClone所推出之CHO細胞專用血清,經過100 nm濾膜進行3次過濾,基本成分與FetalClone I相同,且有額外添加生長因子及其他營養物質。經測試除了CHO亦能成功培養下列細胞:

FetalClone II
Cell Line Description Cell Line Description
JEG3 Human choriocarcinoma BHK Body hamster kidney fibroblast
L929 Murine areolar and adipose fibrosarcoma NIH/3T3 Murine embryonic fibroblast
C3H/10T1/2 Murine embryonic fibroblast U-937 Human histiocytic lymphoma
PC-12 Murine adrenal gland pheochromocytoma U9-IIIB Human histiocytic lymphoma
Pancreatic cells Murine P3X63 Ag8.653 Murine myeloma/ hydridoma
L(-tk) Murine L cell connective tissue NS1 Murine myeloma/ hydridoma
SH-SYSY Human neuroblastoma P3 Murine myeloma/ hydridoma
HEK-293 Human embryonic kidney HeLa Human epithelial adenosarcoma
Hep 3B2 Human liver epithelial carcinoma HEp-2 Human epithelial adenocarcinoma
9HTEo Human epithelial trachea MDBK Bovine kidney
Sp2/0-Ag14 Murine myeloma/ hydridoma Jurkat T-lymphocyte Human thymoma
FOX-NY Murine myeloma/ hydridoma COS Africa green monkey kidney fibroblast

產地: 美國。
Product Name Part Number
FetalClone II, 100 mL SH30066.02
FetalClone II, 100 mL, Heat Inactivated SH30066.02HI
FetalClone II, 500 mL SH30066.03
FetalClone II, 500 mL, Heat Inactivated SH30066.03HI
FetalClone II, 500 mL, Irradiated SH30066.03IR
FetalClone II, 500 mL, Irradiated and Heat Inactivated SH30066.03IH
CofS no. R1-CEP 2000-185
內毒素(Endotoxin)含量≤10 EU/ mL
血紅蛋白(Hemoglobin)含量≤20 mg/dL