


Chemagic Prepito-D


Fast • Highly Flexible • Fully Automated

  • Virus DNA/RNA
  • 全血 Buffy coat Serum Plasma .....DNA
  • Tissue DNA
Features at a glance
  • 1 – 12 samples per run
  • integrated buffer dispensing
  • revolutionary resuspension technology
  • standard plastic devices
  • chemagic Kits and protocols for a huge variety of sample materials
  • quantitative yield, highest purity
  • sample sizes up to 600 µl
  • bar code reading available

The chemagic Prepito is based on chemagen’s proven technology for magnetic particle separation and represents the top quality sample preparation system now available as a small size instrumentation. It utilizes many years experience in automated nucleic acid isolation gained with the high throughput instrument chemagic MSM I. In combination with the well known chemagic Kits it delivers high yield and purity DNA/RNA and ensures the success of your downstream application.

This innovative instrument realizes cost effectiveness through automated dispensing of buffers into standard plastic devices instead of using expensive prefilled cartidges. It includes barcode reading to provide comfort and to support highest quality assurance demands. Hands on time is minimized. Processing time is as short as 30 min. for 1 or up to 12 samples per batch.

The chemagic Prepito achieves magnetic separation by metal rods that are magnetised by an external magnet and that are immersed into the several process solutions (right scheme, top). To enable the often complicated resuspension step of once separated magnetic particle pellets e.g. in wash or elution buffers, the magnet can be switched off. Resuspension is then realized by rotation of the rods guaranteeing the efficient, complete and smooth resuspension of the bead pellet (right scheme, bottom). This normally difficult step becomes now quick and thorough, resulting in isolation products with both high yields and purities.