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The chemagic™ Prime™


Revvity Chemagic™ Prime™集自動化移液系統及自動核酸萃取系統於一機,能直接從樣品轉移、添加緩衝液、核酸萃取、到 PCR 前樣品製備等操作步驟皆由儀器自動完成,以實現了無交叉污染的自動化操作。
Instrument features
  1. High sample capacity: process up to 192 samples in a single run
  2. Flexible sample volume range from 10 µl to 10 ml
  3. Proven nucleic acid purification technology and protocols
  4. Automated liquid handling of primary samples
  5. Designed to prevent cross-contamination
  6. Automated barcode reading for full sample traceability compatible with your LIMS system
  7. Large selection of kits available
  8. User-friendly interface for easy installation in your lab

 The Chemagic™ Prime™ instrument is a highly automated platform combining chemagen patented M-PVA Magnetic Bead technology for DNA and RNA purification with liquid handling to provide high-throughput automated isolation of ultra-pure nucleic acids. The liquid handling unit transfers the primary samples to plates suitable for automated nucleic acid purification which are in turn automatically loaded on the extraction deck. Eluates containing the purified DNA or RNA can then be used by the instrument for automated set up of PCR reactions, streamlining your genomic workflow.


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Full Traceability Integrated Liquid Handling Double Sample Set Capacity
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Integrated chemagic Dispenser Superior chemagic Kit and Technology Performance Optional Add Ons
Kits Information:
Target Molecule Sample Volume Sample Type Product Number
gDNA 100-400 µl blood CMG-1491
gDNA 1-2 ml blood CMG-1497
gDNA 2-4 ml blood CMG-1474
gDNA 200-500 µl buffy coat CMG-1413
gDNA 600 µl saliva CMG-1437
gDNA up to 4 ml saliva CMG-1481
Viral/bacterial NA 200 µl body fluids CMG-1449
Viral/bacterial NA 1 ml body fluids CMG-1431
Genomic / viral / bacterial NA 1 g feces CMG-1476
cfDNA up to 5 ml serum/plasma NOVA-3825-05
Total RNA 2.5 ml PaxGeneTM conserved blood/fresh buffy coat CMG-1484